About the Movement

Who is behind this campaign?

We are Wisconsinites of every faith, age, and background—Muslim, Christian, Jewish, secular, Palestinian, Latina, Black, White—who refuse to be silent in the face of injustice in our names. We are pro-democracy and pro-peace voters who want to see a drastic change in US policy in Gaza, and this is our protest vote to make our voices heard. We invite anyone who shares those values to fill in the bubble for “uninstructed delegation” on April 2nd.

What is the goal of this campaign?

Our goal is to use the democratic process to demand an immediate and permanent ceasefire and an end to the genocide in Gaza. We also call for the full entry of humanitarian aid, reinstating aid to UNRWA, and an end to US military aid to Israel. Our votes in the Democratic Primary are a tool to send a clear message to the administration that the margin of victory in Wisconsin will be determined by a serious and immediate change in this administration’s approach in Gaza.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Why the focus on Gaza and why should I be concerned about foreign policy?

No matter what we look like or where we come from, we all deserve safety, freedom, and justice. The genocide, war, and destruction in Gaza affects all of us. Families right here in Wisconsin have lost innocent loved ones in Gaza and thousands of American troops have been moved to the region as Israel continues to escalate toward potential regional warfare. While our families face rising prices, our government has sent billions of dollars in military aid to Israel and prepared our troops to backstop a war that most Americans do not support. How our leaders invest our tax dollars across the globe should reflect our core values and voter interests. By advocating for justice in Palestine, we call for a democracy that reflects the will of the people and affirm the role of America in upholding peace and human rights. However, when our leaders deviate from these values, they establish a troubling legacy that makes all of us less safe.

What is an Uninstructed Delegate?

Votes in the Presidential primaries are translated into delegates at the party convention who support the voters’ candidate. Uninstructed delegates are not bound to support any particular candidate. To receive delegates, “Uninstructed” must receive 15% of the statewide vote or 15% in any congressional district. Those delegates will vote in the Democratic National Convention in Chicago and will have a voice in the party’s choice of candidate and policy platform.

If I'm an independent or don't identify with any party, can I participate in the "Uninstructed" vote?

Yes, independent voters are encouraged to participate in the Democratic primary by choosing to vote in the Democratic Primary and voting uninstructed. This does not mean you have to vote for the same party come November or change your party allegiance​​.

How can Biden earn your vote in November?

President Biden has failed to represent the vast majority of Americans who want an immediate and permanent ceasefire and an end to our government's unconditional funding of Israel's military. We are going to use our voice and our political power to send him a message that if he wants our votes, he has to listen to Wisconsin and drastically change course in Gaza now.

Why should I cast a vote for "Uninstructed" if I don't want Donald Trump to win in November?

Our campaign is driven by pro-democracy voters and is focused on immediate policy impact, not political figures. We believe in holding all leaders, no matter their party affiliation, accountable to the standards of human rights and responsible global leadership. It is the job of elected leaders to listen to voters, and it’s our job to make our voices heard in elections. We want to raise our voices before the election in November to ensure our communities’ concerns can be reflected in candidates’ platforms by then.

Americans have made hundreds of thousands of phone calls to our elected officials, calling for an end to the bloodshed in Gaza. They are not listening, and failure to engage with people who are appalled by the genocide will push many to sit the election out entirely. This primary election offers us a chance to make our voices heard and send a message to President Biden that he must act now to end the war. While concerns about Trump's policies are valid, our campaign focuses on the current administration's actions and policies. We advocate for accountability and policy changes that align with our values of peace and human rights, irrespective of the political figures involved​​.

What about the Israeli hostages in Gaza?

We believe all human life is sacred. A permanent ceasefire is the best and fastest strategy to protect both Palestinian civilians and the Israeli hostages.

If I vote uninstructed, can I still vote for Biden in the general election?

Voting uninstructed in the Democratic primary is a statement for policy change and does not prevent you from supporting any particular candidate in future elections. It's a strategic move to express dissatisfaction with the current policy stance towards Gaza and demand immediate action​​.

Don't the majority of Americans already support a ceasefire?

Despite widespread American support for a ceasefire, the U.S. continues to send weapons while providing food aid through ineffective means such as airdrops. Our campaign demands an immediate shift towards policies that prioritize peace and effective humanitarian support​​.

How do I know I can trust this effort?

We are your neighbors, shopkeepers, peers, teachers, fellow parents, and cheese lovers across the state. We believe in using the democratic process—and the power of our vote—to serve justice and the interests of all our communities.

It's up to us to take a stance against injustice.